Tuesday, November 8, 2011

World in My Eyes: Trail Running Victoria BC at Sunset

This is a video I made at the end of summer of an 18 or 19 miler I ran at sunset. I like how you can see it getting later and later as the run progresses.

1 comment:

Tim said...

LOVED the new video! It is REALLY cool! I too enjoy watching the change from day to night, though I have to say my favorite part is the last probably 3 seconds when you say the last hill really sucks and you are starving. For some reason that made me laugh. I think its because I know how you feel. Most of my runs end with me running by McDonalds, Wingers, or when the grocery store is making donuts, and I can smell all this yummy goodness, and I can't eat any of it. Only in running do you get to experience that.