Friday, June 11, 2010

Product Review - Injinji socks

When I really started increasing my running distance I knew that there would be some casualties and my feet perhaps would take the brunt of my obsession for steep rocky terrain and insane distances. Over the course of several years I found a shoe that worked well for me and eliminated many of the blisters, broken toe nails, and issues I received in my early running exploits. There has always been a slight reoccurring problem with toe blisters for me, both on the tips and between toes, as I approach the 14-20 hour a week range. I have played with lubricants and tapes and mole skin but always found blisters when I removed my socks after a long run rugged run or a hard week.

Finally I broke down this Spring and dropped $18 each on a couple of pairs of socks. I have seen adds for the Injinji toe socks for some time and have wanted to try them. Here is what I have found.

When I first tried them on they felt a little unnatural. Granted I don't like the feel of anything between my toes, hence my hatred of flip flops. I could however feel each toe flex and move independent of the others as I walked around my room in my new socks. My first chance to really try them out came during the last hard day of our Field School earlier in May. I had left a handheld radio on top of the highest summit in our mapping area and decided I would wear my running garb and run the summit to recover the radio. The entire class thought I was crazy since the summit requires a pretty good effort while hiking. I put on my new socks and attacked the trail. I was still recovering from a chest cold and was completely out of shape but right off my feet felt great. My toes adjusted in my shoe individually and seemed to improve my balance. After reaching the summit in about 30 minutes I found my radio and really began to crank down the steep rocky switchbacks. My socks made my feet feel great even though my feet were really slamming the front of my shoe on the steep rocky trail. The total run was just over 50 minutes and though my lungs and legs were knackered my feet felt great.

Last night I wore them again for the first time running my usual Mount Doug course. I have only good things to report. Normally my toes get sweaty and stick together often rubbing and chaffing skin from between the toes but with the Injinji socks they felt great.

I highly recommend spending the money for a nice sock specifically if you have issues with toe blisters and chaffs. The real test will come as I begin to push my running back to the 20 hour a week stage. I haven't gotten them too wet yet either but I am anxious to see what happens after a good soaking followed by 10 dusty miles of rocky single track. I will keep you posted but I think they may be the answer to another one of my running questions.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Those look like they are a nice pair of socks, if I start having those problems in the future I will have to remember those.