I thought of some characteristics and observations that I admire in her and would love to share them.
Adventurous: This is the first word that comes to mind. Vye was not adventurous when we first met. Since then she has come to surprise me in her willingness to explore the unknown, both literally and metaphorically. Some of my fondest moments with Vye occurred while exploring the mountains, valleys, deserts and forests of Utah's wilderness together. We have had some outstanding trips and were able to communicate and bond to a level that normal circumstances do not allow. She now follows me to the ends of the Earth as I strive to meet my academic and professional goals. I can just say "Saddle up partner" and she simply responds "where to". She puts up endlessly with an extremely difficult husband who can be considered a wanderer and adventurer.
Strength: The next quality I admire is Vye's strength. Marrying an athlete, I knew that she was physically strong. Her physical strength has been proven through many hikes, and various birthing experiences. Vye is also extremely emotionally strong. She has weathered immense storms that have pounded down on us over the years. Whether it was caring for a sick husband who was knocking at the pearly gates, or dealing with professional, academic, financial and interpersonal strife, Vye has proven she has a strength and faith that is unshakable.
Simple pleasures: Vye has an amazing talent for finding pleasure in simplicity. She pays attention to the little details, most of us take for granted, and she finds joy in them. A walk to the beach, a trip to the forest, or just life's little mundane moments are all things Vye revels in. She is extremely low maintenance and easy to please. A small "I love you" goes a long way with her. This is a very good thing for me, because I am no grand schemer and I am unable to pull off extravagant gifts and surprises.
Self Sacrificing: My wife puts herself second continually. She will go out of her way to ensure our families needs are met long before she considers her own. This really ties into her charity and service that she renders everyday. I notice each and every sacrifice and am truly in debt to her for her complete selflessness.
Understanding: Let's face it, for the most part I am crazy. I have many ideas and passions and believe that if it is worth doing than it is worth doing to our individual maximum potential. I also have many OCD behaviours that must get annoying. I often send contradictory signals, like wanting space in one breath but needing to be pampered in the next. It must feel like she is playing second fiddle to some of my passions at times. Vye has a way of understanding me and reading my weird moods, and compulsive tangents. She supports me and gives me room to explore, question and grow, but she is always there to bring me back to earth when I loose my head. She understands me better than I understand myself.
Co-pilot: Often times as we have gone on long drives to various places around the country or world, I peek over at Vye sitting next to me quietly slumbering on some bumpy road. I always smile and think to myself that I would not want anyone else for a co-pilot. We spend hours communicating about and planning our future each day. She is by my side lending advise and choosing a course that meets our families goals. She is the ultimate example of a help meet.
Innocent: Vye has a fantastic innocence and old fashion value sense about her. She sees things very black and white, and abhors anything unwholesome. She somehow was able to make it to adulthood untouched by the desensitizing effect of the world we live in. She is a moral breath of fresh air, in a quagmire of carnal pleasure and immoral justification.
Humility: I will end this list with this simple phrase. I have never observed someone so willing to learn. She learns from others examples, and from surrounding friends and families. She learns from experience and from life. She is child like in her thirst to learn more about any subject at all. This humility has been a huge factor in the fantastic atmosphere around our home.
Vye has an amazing stomach and back. Her athletics sculpted her torso into a sexy landscape of delicate white skin draped over a chiseled mid-section. Also Vye's neck is a thing of absolute beauty. It is dainty and slender, and I feel her neck is often the part of her physical body that makes others compare her to Audrey Hepburn. Physically my wife is simply beautiful.
Tidbits and Factoids about Vye:
Choco-haulic: Vye is an absolute choco-haulic. She would eat it every meal if she could. She has a taste for the good stuff and only prefers the most expensive and pure chocolates. I have known her to consume enormous amounts of the brown gold on many occasions.
Snacker: She loves to snack and her favorites include chips (any flavor really but she loves salt and vinegar), pickles, cheese, cookies (hob-nobs), cottage cheese, and fruit the list goes on and on, she loves her snacks.
Italian Food: If given a choice for a restaurant Vye would prefer high-end Italian. She loves simple yet sophisticated pasta dishes. She is adventurous with her food as she is with everything else, and loves to explore new flavors and recipes.
Chef: My wife is a great cook. I couldn't always say that with a straight face, but she has learned how to cook in the last 7 years. She has made some fantastic meals over the years. She is a sucker for cooking shows, and gleans info from the pros.
Photographer: Anyone can buy a $2000.00 camera and snap shots, but that doesn't mean you take great photos. Vye has an eye for capturing the world through her lens in new and intriguing ways. This talent has really bloomed since moving to Victoria. It is such a photogenic place to live, and Vye continues to awe me with her use of color, light, and her ability to focus on detail that others would miss.
Creative: Along with photography Vye is quite crafty and has the talent for making her photo albums a work of art. She puts interesting colors, textures and embellishments together to extenuate the photos on the page.
Favorite movies and shows: She loves the X-Files, they scare her death but she loves them. She is obsessed with Lost and has followed it since season two. Her favorite movie is probably the Trueman show or Pride and Prejudice (BBC version).
Fears: Spiders, driving in snow, lightning (my fault), bad guys, and monsters like the "Fluke Man" or the "Pale Man".
Music: Vye is not quite as passionate about her music and typically likes anything she can sing to. Agnes Poetry has always been a favorite, she loves Enya (not the easiest to sing along with), Color Theory, and lots of random songs that are upbeat and she can belt out the lyrics. She also has a great Opera Voice and can hit some serious high notes.
With all my love -S -
Thank You Cutie. That was beautiful. I love you more than you will ever know. I am truly touched by your beautiful words and I can't stop crying. I am so happy to be on this adventure with you and I am excited to find out where life will takes us next...
That was such a great post about Vye. And while I obviously don't know her as good as you. I know from the conversations that I have had with both of you, and the more I have got to know Vye your post seems spot on. Whoever can hang with your craziness is one worth honoring in such a blog. There are very few people on this earth that probably could keep up with your pace. And she seems to do it without any effort at all. Thugh I feel I know Vye somewhat well, she is someone that I would like to get to know better still.
I would like to give a SPECIAL thanks to Vye for making my best friend growing up the happiest I have ever seen him since I have known him. It does the heart good.
You are AWESOME Vye.
This post brought me to tears! What a beautiful sentiment from such an obviously adoring husband. I am so happy that you found that one person you were meant to spend eternity with. I look around at many of our friends and I am amazed at the general sense of dissatisfaction that seems to go on in marriage. I can't wait to get to know Vye better and I am excited to get that chance. Great post....Beautiful!
Where is all the blogging gone in Canada? Don't tell me that Facebook is consuming you that much! That is blasphemy.
amazing! God bless you both...
Steve, that was a great post! My sister is pretty wonderful, isn't she?! It makes me so happy to see that you two are still so much in love, and to see that Vye found someone who adores her so much. And I know she feels the same way about you!
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