I have known about this video I am posting for some time now and it brings up two really important points that I often muse about. First just how inefficient am I as a runner? What is my typical bounce distance, over-stride angle, toe lift angle and cross-over angle? I maybe don't want to know the answer to those questions because chances are half of my energy expenditure is wasted in inefficient movements. Second I have often wondered just how much more efficient I could run if I had the deep tissue microfiber release treatment and did some self-myofacial release maintenance often. I am pretty inflexible and have some serious knots in multiple muscles (e.g. piriformis and gluteus minimus) and have had shin splint issues off and on which all point towards severe running form issues and scar tissue buildup in my major muscle groups.
I watch this video cautiously knowing that it is in part, a sales pitch to get you to enroll in the expensive treatments at their center, but it makes you wonder if some of these faster North American runners could break the 2 hour marathon if they could improve their running form. I am sure the elite runners and their coaches are well aware of each running-form deficiency they have and probably work to improve these issues constantly. I do think the video illustrates the key points in proper running form and makes me more conscience of my own mistakes. Perhaps every runner should view the video at least once just to self-evaluate areas they could improve on.
I think the take-home message I am trying to make with this post is that running economy is a key to improving not only the elite athletes times but also my own. I should strive to improve my range of motion as well as my form. I would like to get opinions of multiple athletes who have had the treatment and see what there experience was with microfiber release and if the results were worth the money.
I am currently taking a short hiatus in my training due to a nasty chest cold. I tend to use the shoulder test to see if I should train or not (the idea that if the flu is below your shoulders you shouldn't run). It is tough to standby and wait for my cough to subside. I am doing everything in my power to beat this thing from vitamins and echinecea, to longer nights sleep and the break from running in the cold. It is stubborn and I haven't ran for nearly a week. I would hate to jump the gun, go run, and get really ill so I am erring on the side of caution. Hope to start up again by Monday at the latest!